Scholarship Information
Based on the financial ability of HHA and the Kevin Bell Arena, HHA may award a scholarship for the duration of a single season by waiving individual practice season ice fees up to 50% per season.
Fees waived are limited to youth seasons, and do not include other team or player related costs such as referee fees, travel, uniforms, etc.
All applications MUST be submitted no later than January 15th.
To be considered for the scholarship:
Complete the application
Write an essay, two page maximum, that includes, but is not limited:
Financial Need
Extenuating Cirmcumstances
How it will benefit the skater
How the skater and/or gamily plans to give back to HHA during the season
The essay should be written by the child as age appropriate or include quotes from the child as it applies to their interests in playing hockey or other relevant information.
Scholarship Determination
The scholarship committee will be made up of three members designated by the Board of Directors.
Scholarship amounts are determined on a case by case basis (not to exceed 50% of season fee)​​​